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Win-win-win: Learn from the best, demo your ideas, and help increase diversity at PyBay

Thanks so much for responding to our plea for sponsorship--with your help, all the PyBay talks will now be recorded! But we hope you’re not going to stay home and wait for the videos--the networking, hacker lounges, and food are going to be epic, and buying a ticket will also help increase the diversity of our conference community.

We’ve had an overwhelming number of applicants to our scholarship programs but have only been able to award 9 applicants so far. To help increase the diversity of our conference and help those in need, each day through Thursday, for every 2 corporate tickets sold at $600, PyBay will donate 1 ticket to a minority (49 women and 14 in other under represented groups) on our scholarship wait list.

It’s a win-win-win: hang out and learn from the best (25% of attendees contribute to open source), sign up to demo your ideas at lightning talks / open spaces, and help build a stronger, more diverse community!

At 10pm every night, depending on how many corporate tickets were sold that day, we’ll award tickets to minority scholars (chosen fair and square with random.sample). Or, women and folks from other under presented groups (Latinos, Blacks, LGBTs, etc.) can secure a ticket by encouraging their friends to buy a corporate ticket and letting Grace know the 2 people they’ve referred.

We know Python devs are awesome! And with your help, we look forward to building the best dev community in the SF Bay Area!

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